For my project I want to make something peaceful and serene but more normal and down to earth. I came to this conclusion after I was thinking about this project late at night while I was alone with my thoughts and listening to the few noises through my apartment.
So when I made my sounds I based them all off of the small sounds that I would focus on on those sort of late nights, such as footsteps or a door creaking as it opens.
During my brainstorming session on paper I didn't use as many drawings as I did before to represent my ideas but I more so tried to get the series of events I want to have happen down on paper as well as the sounds I could use to in this project to portray each of these actions.
I really want to tell a down to earth story through this project while still making it pleasant to listen to and showing how easily the silence of a quiet night can be broken by something usually considered very mundane.